Fall Edition of the Gazette

Green Bluff Friends & Neighbors,

Please see attached the 79th edition of the Green Bluff Gazette. Seventy-nine! It truly takes a village to produce that many Gazettes in various different forms over so many decades. Thank you to Francine Mihalasky for making it happen so beautifully in its now well-established magazine format. And thank you to all of the contributors who dedicate their time and talents to writing about past and future events and for planning and participating in all that Green Bluff has to offer as a community.

This issue’s cover theme is APPLES, and we are looking forward to a strong (dare we say “fruitful”?) apple season for all! Thanks for supporting the Green Bluff Gazette.

Dawn Keig


Get the Green Bluff Gazette HERE

Due date for the Fall edition is November 1st