Fall Edition of the Gazette

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Attached is the 75th edition of our Green Bluff Gazette MAGAZINE, with the fabulous and colorful new graphical layout designed by Francine Mihalasky. It would be amazing to be able to offer this in hardcopy format someday, to really appreciate her vision and hard work!

It is so fun to see/hear about all of the different happenings on the Bluff this summer and to get excited about what is to come this fall. If you haven’t seen it yet, you will LOVE the new Green Bluff Growers Logo and the exciting information about new signage and marketing! And be sure to print out a copy of the Green Bluff Calendar of Events on pages 12-13 and mark your calendars now so you don’t miss a thing.

We appreciate all of the voices and hard work of the contributors who make this magazine so content-rich and beautiful every quarter and would welcome any articles, “blurbs”, photos, or ideas that YOU think might be of interest to the community ANY time.

Here’s to a long and lovely fall!

Dawn Keig

Get the Green Bluff Gazette HERE

Due date for the Winter edition is November 1st


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