Summer Edition

The Summer Edition of the Gazette is reaching you as all of Spokane is tentatively opening up. The Gazette is packed with the usual articles: the Green Bluff Methodist Church is finding creative solutions to worship together; the Growers are announcing that 3 new farms will be joining them; the Grange is finally having in-person meetings and events, And the Home Ec Club had their first meeting since Covid started. We also have the Jr Grange who organized the 8th Keep Green Bluff Clean event and the Fire District offers homeowners fire risk assessment help. Willie the Cat is back with a new adventure and is now illustrated by Pearl Bodey.
Don’t forget the Mountain Dew Boys and the Kevin Pace Band concerts. These were two events that were in previous Gazettes but that needed to be rescheduled.
I hope you are all keeping safe and looking forward to Green Bluff Waking up for spring and from this Covid craziness.

Green Bluff Gazette Editor

On a side note, many of you have asked how I am doing on the other side of the pond. Vienna finally opened up a few days ago and as you read the Gazette this morning I am either enjoying a museum or enjoying a wine spritzer on an outside restaurant patio (if the rain stops). I miss Green Bluff and happy that I can at least still work on the Gazette.

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