Fall Edition
It’s time for the Fall edition of the Green Bluff Gazette. The Growers are on the front page this time. John Priddy writes about all the challenges faced by farmers during this last year: heat, drought, fires, and the continuing Covid issues. The Grange, Home Ec, and the Church are all carefully and successfully having…
Summer Edition
The Summer Edition of the Gazette is reaching you as all of Spokane is tentatively opening up. The Gazette is packed with the usual articles: the Green Bluff Methodist Church is finding creative solutions to worship together; the Growers are announcing that 3 new farms will be joining them; the Grange is finally having in-person…
The Gazette Welcomes 2021
The First edition of 2021 is here EARLY. I hope that this edition gives you a chance to reflect on the difficulties of 2020, the “Bluffer’s” resilient nature, and to look forward to future Green Bluff Events when we can all get together again. The lock-down has definitely given me the time to think about…
Celebrating 16 years
At the beginning of every year, I figure out what changes I want to make, what things I want to add. This year I realized that the Gazette hasn’t really changed at all in the last few years. So I looked back even further to get some inspiration. Just in case you are interested in…