Category: Winter

  • The 2021 Winter Edition

    The 2021 Winter Edition

    We started the year with hope, but we are finishing it still struggling. There are reasons to continue to hope… The Grange continues to host events such as the Pancake breakfasts (be sure to go to the last one of the year, next week), the Mountain Dew Boys Concert, and the Christmas Party. The Home…

  • Winter Edition

    Winter Edition

    We were a little delayed this quarter. I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. It’s been a crazy year and we hope that 2021 will bring better times. For now, I hope you enjoy this edition of the Gazette. Merry Christmas and hoping for a Very Happy New Year

  • Winter Edition

    Winter Edition

    The winter edition of the Green Bluff Gazette has arrived. Read it, print it out and share it with friends (especially on Facebook). It has a roundup of everything Green Bluff has been doing these past few months and all the important dates for upcoming events.  You can find it here.

  • 2018 Winter Gazette

    2018 Winter Gazette

    You all thought that the Winter Edition would be small, but we needed an extra page for the 2018 Winter Edition of the Gazette. For your convenience here is the List of Dates. We also have a Special Love list Insert.